How to Self-Publish on Amazon
This course teaches you exactly the technical step-by-step you must do to start selling your book on Amazon. You won't believe how easy it will be!
...has been working on a manuscript ready to self-publish a book on Amazon
...and wants to be coached through all the decisions and be clear about what to do each step of the way?
If this is you, this course if for you.
No Googling, not asking around in Facebook groups, no spinning your wheels!
Are you ready to follow me? I'll show you everything I know.
I built an online course that will give you the complete confidence to...
Publish your ebook
Prepare your paperback
Format your manuscript with Word
Create your cover for free on the platform
And so much more!
(follow along the videos and you will have a finished book at the end!)
Create Your Account
Fill Your Account Information
Publish Your eBook
Publish Your Paperback
Format Your Book
Create a Free Cover