Are you a writer who...

...has been working on a manuscript ready to self-publish a book on Amazon

...and wants to be coached through all the decisions and be clear about what to do each step of the way?

If this is you, this course if for you.

Stop wasting you time figuring this out on your own.

No Googling, not asking around in Facebook groups, no spinning your wheels!

You are a brilliant writer with an amazing stories to share.

The problem is, once you have put in the work to write a book, you don't know where to turn to publish it.

But it can be easy to self-publish both ebooks and paperbacks on KDP, Amazon's platform.

I want to show you how.

I have self-published 10 books and plan to write many more!

Are you ready to follow me? I'll show you everything I know.

If you follow along the videos, by the time you are done watching, your book will be online, ready to be sold to millions of customers. It's a short cut, really. Take the worries out of self-publishing.
Self-Publishing Queen

I'm here for you

I built an online course that will give you the complete confidence to...

  • Publish your ebook

  • Prepare your paperback

  • Format your manuscript with Word

  • Create your cover for free on the platform

  • And so much more!

What is included:

(follow along the videos and you will have a finished book at the end!)

  • 1

    Module 1

    • Introduction

  • 2

    Module 2

    • Create Your Account

  • 3

    Module 3

    • Fill Your Account Information

  • 4

    Module 4

    • Publish Your eBook

  • 5

    Module 5

    • Publish Your Paperback

  • 6

    Module 6

    • Format Your Book

  • 7

    Module 7

    • Create a Free Cover

Imagine Yourself Unpacking a Box Filled With Your Own Books

The excitement. The smell. The feeling of accomplishment.

Imagine signing books for raving fans.

It can be you.

Why You Should Publish Your Book

Right Now!

  • Create a Piece of Legacy

    Leave your mark on this planet by leaving a book behind for everyone to read.

  • Build Your Credibility

    People are impressed by people who have published a book. You can be one of them! Moreover, a book lends you instant credibility.

  • Boost Your Confidence

    Publishing a book is quite a feat. You will be so proud of yourself for reaching the finish line.

Ready to Be a Published Author?

Self-Publishing Is Growing Fast So Get a Piece of the Action Now!